Monday, February 10, 2014


Oh, have I mentioned on here that I'm getting married? Because I am :D So wedding planning and work have encompassed a lot of my time. Though I am very much trying to keep projects going. I finally sat down to design something for myself here recently, so now I'm going to share!

This was... I don't know what inspired this. But now I have to work on getting a logo done, and just complete a package. Because it will be fun.

I was perusing wedding sites and magazines and all of that fun stuff, and I was just overwhelmed by the amount of super skinny models EVERYWHERE I LOOKED. Look, skinny girls are beautiful, no question, but people are so diverse and amazingly different and most of your average clientele has at least a little bit of meat on their bones, so I just quickly came up with these three designs of different body shaped models based on some of the images I saw. Enjoy!

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