Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yikes, I need to get into a regular habit of producing something to put up here... going a month or more without updating is not very productive!

I actually have been working on different projects, right now I'll just put up a few things and work on converting all the files I have into something that Blogger will accept (all my files right now are either PDF's or Illustrator/InDesign files :P)

This is a concept for a poster - the prompt was "Red". So, this is my Red :P Done in Illustrator

I finally finished this! I'm rather proud of it, but I'm a little biased :D Photoshop and Corel Painter

This is me trying to watercolor, I think I'll keep working on it...

This was my final for my Comics class last semester - It's not finished, and I would love to go back and finish it and maybe put it into full color :) It's a silly story but still I'm rather proud :) Done in Photoshop and Corel Painter

Enjoy! I'll be putting other things up soon! (knock on wood XD)


  1. Can I have a real version of that dress and those shoes? :) Love the updates!

  2. Hahaha, yes you may. I'll talk to someone in Fashion to start making them pronto :D Thanks so much!!
