Oh. Hi there. Greetings friends. I am simply enjoying a nice hot chocolate in a super fancy mug and some wonderfully comfortable pj's.
Where did I get these wonderful items, you may ask? Why, at my own store!! At reasonable prices! You don't need to be a millionaire to be this fancy!
You forgot the link? Oh, well how convenient for you! I just so happen to have a spare!
There you are. Now you simply have NO excuse for not at least visiting this land of fancy! You can get many wonderful things, like these Christmas cards and this fancy mug! (I'm rather fond of this mug, can't you tell??)
So my dears, I simply have NO idea why a person wouldn't want to acquire some of these items for their home. NO idea whatsoever! And who knows - there still might be a sale going on until the 10th!
Please check out my awesometastic store! You know you want to! http://www.cafepress.com/cathienorrisonlineshop